The ENSC Association aimsto facilitate the creation ofuser committees all overEurope, break taboos andencourage an opendiscussion about so-calledmale contraception.
We believe in the importanceof education and informationto empower everyone to beresponsible for their fertilityand make informed decisionsabout their reproductivehealth.
Join us for the Mind Your SpermTour!
A one-of-a-kind adventuresailing the canals and rivers ofEurope to promote sharedcontraception.
On the ARGOS boat, weorganize educational andinteractive events to raisepublic awareness about theimportance of sharedcontraception and thedifferent options available forpeople with testicles.
User Commitees
Are you a user of thermal,hormonal methods or vasectomyand want to share yourexperience?
Are you a sexual health center andwant to benefit from theexperience of committees todiscuss shared contraceptionduring monthly meetings orevents?
ENSC works to facilitate thecreation of these mixed usergroups in close collaboration withdoctors and sexual health centers,all over Europe.
Discover the terms of thesegroups and how ENSC can supportyou.