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Club de lecture

European Network
Shared Contraception 

Welcome to the website of the ENSC Association, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and raising awareness of so-called male contraception.



Our mission is to facilitate the formation of local user committees and to support volunteers, physicians and people interested in male contraception.


Our Goal

The ENSC Association aims to break taboos and promote an open discussion about sharing the burden of contraception across Europe.

We believe in the importance of education and information to empower men to take responsibility for their fertility and make informed decisions about their reproductive health.


Our actions 

We support the creation of local user committees at the request of sexual health centers or even users themselves through various actions: 


  1. Recruitment and training of volunteers: We meet and place volunteers who want to get involved in user committees. We then offer them training on current and future contraceptive methods and provide them with videos and specific documents to help them organize their consultation hours or events. We also offer a charter for all user committees, which contains a common basis for all countries and articles adapted by the speakers. You can find it here: Committee Charter. 

  2. Working with referring physicians : We work closely with volunteer and honorary physicians to ensure that the information and advice provided is up to date and in line with the most relevant medical practices. We seek at least one referring doctor for each committee. 

  3. Provision of information cases: We provide user committees with cases containing resources and information on the various existing and evolving male contraceptive methods, as well as easily shareable online resources.​


Who are we? 


We are a small association based in Lyon, France, where each member acts as a referent for their country:​


FRANCE - Maxime LABRIT - With 6 years of experience in the field of male contraception, he is dedicated to improving contraceptive equity. As the inventor of the testicular contraceptive ring Andro-Switch®, he now conducts trainings, conferences, and awareness campaigns.


GERMANY - Franka FREI - Author and journalist, specializing in gender issues. Following her Germanbook "Periods Are Political: A Manifesto against the Menstrual Taboo," she gives lectures on the political dimensions of menstruation.
Her recently released second book, "Überfällig. Warum Verhütung auch Männersacheist", focuses on contraceptive responsibility and ways to share it.


SWITZERLAND - Jannick BÖHM - Trained political scientist and member of Santé Sexuelle Suisse, where he is the focal point for male contraception. He also works in the fields of sex-education, self-assertion, and self-defense
He leads the Herzsprungprogram, which advocates against violence in young couples among students aged 13 to 15.


BELGIUM- Louise-Marie DROUSIE - A midwife with a master's degree in public health in her pocket, she is coordinator of the pedagogical department of the non-profit organization O'YES (organization for youth education and sexuality)

Passionate about contraception and trained in its various methods, her main concern is to enable people to take charge of their own health and well-being. 


RESPONSABLE COORDINATION - Stéphanie DUPIN - A former consultant in small business development and co-founder of, the first cooperative dedicated to accessing the male contraception market to assure access to everyone. 
She is responsible for the ENSC association and organizes the MindYour Sperm Tour!


Improving contraceptive burden-sharing

Breaking taboos about contraception for people with testicles

Cooperate with institutions and healthcare professionals to make these methods accessible to all.

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